Governor Newsom keeps child care spending, makes no commitments to Black children, families, child care workforce.

January 11, 2024
We thank Governor Newsom for his commitment to not cutting or delaying any critical funding to child care overall for the state. We are disappointed the Governor’s budget proposal has no mention of investments that will support Black children, Black families, and Black child care providers and teachers.
This is why BlackECE was founded— to ensure that Black Californians impacted by the ECE system have advocates at the table and unapologetically support the long overdue investments for Black children, Black families, and Black child care workforce. Our strategic plan calls for ending the racial wage injustice faced by Black child care educators, ensuring culturally affirming care for Black children, and Reparations for our youngest Black children and the adults who care for them.
We look forward to working with the Governor and the state Legislature this year to make meaningful commitments in the budget to Black Californians.
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